
A collection of math formulas for lookup and reference. Each formula contains an explanation of how the formula is used, what different variables represent within the formula and examples of the formula in action.

Angle Between Two Vectors

The angle between two vectors can be calculated using the arc-cosine of their dot product divided by the product of their magnitudes.

Angle Between Two Vectors 2D

To calculate the angle between two vectors (2D) you can use the arc-tangent 2 function.

Area Between Two Vectors 2D

The area between two vectors in 2D is given by the magnitude of their cross product. This formula is a generic way to find the area of any triangle given three points.

Area of Circle

The area of a circle is given by one-half multiplied by τ (tau) multiplied by the radius of the circle squared.

Area of Circle π (pi)

The traditional formula for the area of a circle is given in terms of the geometric constant π (pi).

Area of Parallelogram

The area of any parallelogram is equal to the base multiplied by the height.

Area of Rectangle

The Area of a rectangle is given by its width multiplied by its height.

Area of Trapezoid

The area of a trapezoid is given by its height multiplied by the sum of its top length and bottom length divided by two.

Area of Triangle

The area of a triangle is given by one-half multiplied by its width and height.

Circumference of Circle

The circumference of a circle is given the constant τ (tau) multiplied by the radius of the circle, where τ = 2π.

Circumference of Circle π (pi)

The circumference of a circle is given the constant π (pi) multiplied by two times the radius of the circle.


The combination formula describes the possible combinations of r elements out of a group of n elements where order does not matter.

Compound Interest

The compound interest formula calculates the growth of an initial value whose interest compounds over time. The frequency of when the interest is calculated and added to the initial amount can occur continuously,

Conditional Probability

The conditional probability formula shows how to calculate the probability of an event B, given that another event A has already occurred.

Cross Product (Determinant)

The cross product of two vectors can be calculated using the formal determinant.

Determinant of 2 by 2 Matrix

The formula for the determinant of a two by two matrix.

Determinant of 3 by 3 Matrix

The formula for the determinant of a three by three matrix.

Distance Between Two Points 1D

The distance between two points, in one dimension, is given by the absolute value of the difference between the two values.

Distance Between Two Points 2D

The distance between two points, in two dimensions, is given by solving Pythagorean's theorem for the length of the hypotenuse of the right triangle formed by the two points.

Dot Product

The dot product of two vectors is calculated by summing together the product of corresponding elements.

Dot Product Geometric

The dot product can be geometrically interpreted as the magnitude of the two vectors multiplied by the cosine of the angle between them.

Euler's Formula

Euler's Formula returns the point on the unit circle in the complex plane when given an angle.

Expected Value Continuous Distribution

The expected value, describes the most likely value of a probability distribution. It also describes where a probability distribution is centered.

Expected Value Discrete Distribution

To calculate the expected value of a discrete distribution, multiply the events of the distribution by the probability of the event occuring.

Magnitude of Cross Product

The magnitude of the cross product can be given as the magnitude of the two vectors multiplied by the sine of the angles between them.

Magnitude of Vector

The magnitude of a vector is given by the square root of the sum of its components squared.

Midpoint Formula

The x-coordinate of the mid-point is calculated by averaging the x-coordinates of the two end points. The y-coordinate is calculated by averaging the y-coordinates of the two points.


The permutation formula describes the possible permutations of r elements out of a group of n elements where order does matter.

Permutations of a Set

The number of permutations of n distinct items is given by n factorial. A permutation is a unique ordering or arrangement of the set of items.

Polar to Cartesian Coordinates

To convert a point from polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates, the trigonometric functions cosine and sine can be used.

Population Growth

The population growth formula models the exponential growth of a function. Note, that this formula models unbounded population growth. For bounded growth, see logistic growth.

Population Mean

The population mean formula gives the average value of the whole population.

Quadratic Formula

The quadratic formula solves for the x-intercepts of a two-degree polynomial (quadratic) equation.

Sample Mean

The sample mean, also called the arithmetic mean, is the average of a sample space. To calculate the sample mean, sum all the data points in a sample space and then divide by the number of elements.

Sample Standard Deviation

The sample standard deviation formula calculates the standard deviation of a sample population. The sample deviation is denoted with the Latin letter s, where the population standard deviation is denoted by the greek lower-case sigma symbol.


The slope of a line is calculated by finding the change in y over the change in x using two points on the line.

Standard Deviation

The standard deviation formula calculates the standard deviation of population data. The standard deviation value is denoted by the symbol σ (sigma) and measures how far the data is distributed around the population's mean.

Volume of Cone

The volume of a cone is given by one-third multiplied by PI, the radius of its base squared, and its height.

Volume of Cube

The volume of a cube is given by the length of the cube length raised to the third power.

Volume of Cylinder

The volume of a cylinder is given by 1/2 τ (tau) multiplied by the radius squared and height.

Volume of Cylinder π (pi)

The volume of a cylinder is equal to PI multiplied by its radius squared and its height.

Volume of Rectangular Prism

To calculate the volume of a rectangular prism multiply its height, width, and length together.

Volume of Sphere

The volume of a sphere is given by two-thirds multiplied by the circle constant τ (tau) multiplied by the radius cubed.