Times Symbol

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× Code Point
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In math, the times symbol (×) has several uses, depending on the context.

  1. In algebra, the symbol is used to represent the multiplication. Typically the symbol is used in an expression like this:

    In plain language, this means four multiplied by five.

  2. In linear algebra, the symbol is used to represent the cross product operator. Typically the symbol is used in an expression like this:

    In plain language, this means take the cross product of the vector and the vector .

This site uses the times symbol to represent the cross product operator and uses the dot operator symbol or parentheses to represent multiplication.



The interpunct symbol also referred to as the middle dot, dot product symbol, or center dot is used in math to represent the multiplication operator or the dot product operator.


The asterisk symbol (*) has various uses in math. For computing, it is commonly used to denote the multiplication operation. It also is used to represent the convolution operation.


Cross Product

The cross product operates on two vectors and produces another vector as a result.