mathematicsthe set containing all complex numbers.
The set of complex numbers extends the set of real numbers and is defined in the form of , where and are real numbers and . Typically, The set is denoted using the latin capital letter presented in a double-struck typeface as the symbol .
Read more about complex numbers on this page.
The set of natural numbers, denoted as ℕ, includes all positive integers starting from 0. In some definitions, the set starts from 1 instead of 0.
The set of integers, denoted as ℤ, includes all positive and negative whole numbers, along with zero. For example, the numbers -2, 0 and 3 are all integers, but numbers like 1/2 or the square root of 2 are not.
The set of rational numbers, denoted as ℚ, can be defined by the quotient of two numbers belonging to the set of integers, where the divisor is non-zero.
The set of real numbers, denoted as ℝ, includes all rational and irrational numbers. It represents the entire continuum of possible number values from negative infinity to positive infinity.
Complex numbers are an extension of the real number system with useful properties that model two dimensional space and trigonometry.